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Tag: webdev

Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps – Airbnb Engineering

This idea isn’t new — Nodejitsu wrote a great description of isomorphic JavaScript architecture in 2011 — but it’s been slow to adopt. There have been a few isomorphic frameworks to spring up already. Mojito was the first open-source isomorphic framework to get any press. It’s an advanced, full-stack Node.js-based framework, but its dependence on YUI and Yahoo!-specific quirks haven’t led to much popularity in the JavaScript community since they open sourced it in April 2012.

JHipster home page

Our goal is to generate for you a complete and modern Web app, unifying: A high-performance and robust Java stack on the server side with Spring Boot A sleek, modern, mobile-first front-end with AngularJS and Bootstrap A powerful workflow to build your application with Yeoman, Bower, Grunt and Maven


Chi lavora spesso con i server FTP sa quanto alle volte siano scomodi e contro-intuitivi i vari Client FTP in Windows.

Spesso mi sono trovato a sognare la possibilità di "montare" un server FTP e trattare come una unità locale come si fa su linux.

La soluzione si chiama FTPDrive, ed è pure gratuita. Scaricate e gioite tutti !

P.S. : O si usa FTPDrive o si usa Teracopy. Insieme litigano. Inoltre potrebbe essere necessario inserirlo nella lista delle applicazioni sicure dell’antivirus, in quanto modifica e intercetta alcuni comandi di Explorer.exe e questo viene rilevato come comportamento a rischio da parte di molti AV.

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